$20.29 - $24.42 hourly
Department of Parks & Recreation
Job Description and Duties
"Priority consideration will be given to any person receiving State public assistance under the CalWORKs program. Applicants who receive State public assistance need to identify their status as a CalWORKs recipient in the comments area on the application. Applicants must submit a verification of their CalWORKs eligibility status, which may include the most recent Notice of Action showing TANF eligibility or a copy of your last aid check stub. If verification is not submitted with the application, the application will not be processed. (Applicants may obtain verification from the CalWORKs program).”
The reporting locations for this position are various locations within the Angeles District including but not limited to Point Mugu SP, Leo Carrillo SP, Robert H. Meyer SB, Malibu Creek SP, Topanga SP, Will Rogers SHP, Los Angeles SHP, and Baldwin Hills SO. This...